IXD414, 'Design Systems', Spring 2025
MW / 3:20-05:50pm / Chalmers 307
Matt Kirkland / mattk@ku.edu

IXD414 - Designing with Systems

This is a studio course about designing digital products for the screen, with an emphasis on designing with systems in mind. This syllabus will be updated with more information throughout the semester. I'll let you know in class about updates.

Questions? mattk@ku.edu.

Your Site

I'm a firm believer that a designer doesn't need to just DO good work, you need to SHARE good work. This is not always easy for midwesterners, who have too much 'aw shucks' about them.

Plus, making your work sharable is a great way to force yourself to take another look at what you're doing. Does this thing make sense not just to me, but to others?

PLUS plus: we're a small studio course and we should all be learning from each other. That's hard to do if you only see your colleague's work once a week, and then can't reference it later.

And while you'll get more eyeballs on your work if you share on social media (you should do that too), it's important to have a repository of work that you can point to that isn't controlled by a giant third party, and sticks around beyond the current state of the fyp.

SO: we'll all build a public website; one that's accessible and attached to your name. Your assignments will be 'turned in' by posting them to your website. Your homework isn't done until it's posted online. If you've already got a website, that's great - create a new section or page there. If you don't, it's time to start one. I don't care where it is or how you make it. Squarespace? Webflow? Replit? Code it by hand? a google doc with a custom domain? All great.

Making silly little websites is Matt's favorite thing, so I can help you get started if you need help.

Your class site (or page, pages, etc) is also a designed object. So: the final state of your site is going to be part of your grade. As the semester progresses, think about how you're communicating your work! At the end of the semester, your site is your Final. We'll be looknig for comprehensiveness, coherency, and design.

We'll work in class on this in the first few weeks, and make sure you can get things posted.


Once we've all got sites set up, we'll list them here for easy reference.

Who Where
Aleyna The Scratchpad
Courtney CourtneySchultheiss.com
Dax DWB Design
Jaeseong Jaeseong
Jordan Jordan
Matthew Matthew
Taylor Taylor