Inventory User Stories
What should this thing... do?
This list of user stories is going to be the benchmark of: does this prototype support all the uses it needs to? You can compare user stories to a functional spec; instead of describing what the system does, we're defnining what a real person will be able to acommplish with it.
Everybody's project should support all of the user stories below.
For our client
- As the Ops Manager, I want to log into this system so that I can access our secret company info.
- As the Ops Manager, I want a system/app that can be learned quickly, so that it doesn't take me long to show the employees how to use it.
- As the Ops Manager, I want to review a report of my warehouse's inventory so that I can monitor stock levels and make informed decisions.
- As the Ops Manager, I want to be alerted to discrepancies in the difference between what I think we have vs what my warehouse's inventory tells me I have so that I can quickly investigate and resolve potential errors.
- As the Ops Manager, I want to see when inventory was counted so that I can track how up-to-date the data is.
- As the Ops Manager, I want to see which employee did the count so that I can ensure accountability and follow up on any discrepancies.
For the warehouse staff
- As the Warehouse staff, I want to log into the system, so that I can access our secret company info.
- As the Warehouse staff, I want to enter the count of each item so that the inventory records are accurate and up to date.
- As the Warehouse staff, I want to identify myself so my boss gives me credit for this work and knows who completed each count.
- As the Warehouse staff, I want to be done with this as quickly as I can so that I can move on with my life.
- As the Warehouse staff, I want to be guided on which things to count so I know which things I need to do and don’t miss anything.
- As the Warehouse staff, I want to have some sense of progress so I do not despair about this tedious task and stay motivated to complete it.
- As the Warehouse staff, I want to save my work midway through so I don't lose progress if I'm interrupted or take a break.