In Vestimentis Ursum

Robots Revealed! There are robots hiding beneath the fluff.

I've always been curious about stuffed animals that sing, dance, light up, or talk back. There must be a fascinating robot underneath the fur and fluff, right? Surely the robot hiding in the bear's clothing, in vestimentis ursum, is impressive. So: armed with my childish curiosity and the spurious excuse of 'product design research,' I set out to discover what, exactly, these creatures are hiding.

Want to see videos? These are also posted on Instagram, with videos of the robots in action, at @robotsrevealed.

I love a fuzzy dog that's secretly a killer robodog. Look at those wheelfeet!


This tiny pig is hiding a surprisingly articulated robot.

Pink Piggy Toy
Pink Piggy Toy

Why does this hamster have pink yarn for hair? Hamsters already have hair. This robot's not fooling any one.

Pink Hamster Toy
Pink Hamster Toy

VERY excited about this polar bear / robot reveal. Sure, polar bears might look cuddly - but what are they really up to way up there in the North? If they weren't secret robots, why don't they live in the woods like normal bears? Huh?

Polar Bear Toy
Polar Bear  Toy

You'd never guess the robot inside this reindeer didn't come from, say, a headless cuck. With weirdly menacing wire arms?

Reindeer Toy
Reindeer Toy

Pink puppy? Sure. But this worm-like thing hiding inside!

Pink Puppy Toy
Pink Puppy Toy
Pink Puppy Toy

No idea what's going with this bird thing, but I did NOT expect the secret robot to be green.

Blue bird Toy
Blue bird Toy

This murderous-looking blog was worth a photograph with its skin half-on, half-off..

Blob Toy
Blob Toy
Blob Toy

This Teddy Ruxpin knockoff will read you books but also definitely murder you, for sure. So good I'm including additional angles here to show all the great murderbot components

Murder Bear Toy
Murder Bear  Toy
Murder Bear Toy
Murder Bear  Toy

Good lord, why does this Christmas bear have a giant butt? The answer, of course, is that it twerks, while singing a jingle-bells version of Sir Mix-a-Lot's I Like Big Butts. A real case of when the original toy is just as disturbing as the secret robot within. Please note the molded BUTT component that wiggles on its own actuator.

Twerking Bear Toy
Twerking Bear  Toy

Heaven help us, this bug twerks. It's got a little molded ass and everything, I'm pretty sure the same mold part as the Christmas bear..

Twerking Pug Toy
Twerking Pug Toy

This little bandit sings and of course (why???) waggles seductively. Why.

Bandit Bear Toy
Bandit Bear  Toy

This little elephant's secret robot almost looks cute? The harmless disc face feels just a bit friendly.

Elephant Toy
Elephant Toy

Another take on the elephant; this one weeeeirdly infantilized. It's hard not to like these robot elephant ears, though!

Elephant Toy
Elephant Toy

Looked cute enough, but made a very, very sad robot.

Puppy stuffed animal Toy
Puppy stuffed animal ROBOT Toy

OK, this might be cheating a bit because this is closer to taxidermy than uncovering a secret robot. But I'm keeping it because this is so delightfully horrifying!.

Puppy stuffed animal Toy
Puppy stuffed animal ROBOT Toy

Why does the sunflower play the saxophone? Honestly I'm not sure I want to know.

Sunflower  Toy
Sunflower ROBOT Toy

I don't like the look of this bear. I just don't. Is it some kind of lemur-bear Island of Dr. Moreau creation?

Bear Toy
Bear Toy

This little bear plays a Christmas song on his saxophone. Yikes.

Saxophone Bear Toy
Saxophone Bear Toy

Baby seals! Nothing scary here, right?

Seal Toy
Seal Toy

A blue bunny. sure.

Blue Bunny Toy
Blue Bunny Toy

I've seen a few of these cats, but they never seem any less ugly on the inside.

Calico Cat Toy
Calico Cat Toy

This is 'Dalton the storytelling Dragon', and it literally reads fairy tales to you.

Dragon Toy
Dragon Toy

A little chimp! Cute! Right?! CUTE?

monkey Toy
monkey Toy

Another day, another wiggling elephant...

elephant Toy
elephant Toy

He looks so sweet at first!

Dog Toy
Dog Toy

One of those cases where the original toy is more alarming than the robot hiding inside.

Tooth Monster Toy
Tooth Monster Toy

There's SO MUCH robot inside this long-armed monkey. I know I don't trust it.

Monkey Toy
Monkey Toy

And a bonus shot because I loved this weird monkey.

Monkey Toy

Wait, that last monkey had suspiciously long arms. What is THIS one going to do?.

Monkey Toy
Monkey Toy

This little bear/angel thing seems innocent. At first.

Bear Angel Toy
Bear Angel Toy

That BEAK.

Chicken Toy
Chicken Toy

There's a lot of robot in this weird pink lamb face.

Lamb Toy
Lamb Toy

Like all cats, the furry outside is not to be trusted.

Cat Toy
Cat Toy
Cat Toy

This little zebra seems cute until you see it's little creepy-crawly-baby-skeleton robot hiding underneath.

Zebra Toy
Zebra Toy

And here's another zebra - this time one with ... a long extended giraffe neck? It pistons up-and-down as it plays an off-brand rendition of 'Wild Thing.'

Zebra Toy
Zebra Toy

This cat robot must be from the same designers as the polar bear? Honestly I find the furred version just as alarming.

Cat Toy
Cat Toy

I never would have predicted the legs on this dalmation!

Dalmation Toy
Dalmation Toy

Little bunnies are so cute - until you find the murderbot hidden within.

Bunny Toy
Bunny Toy

It could almost sing you a song...

Chicken Toy
Chicken Toy

Scary... poodle?

poodle? Toy
poodle? Toy

Sadly this threatening cat was broken beyond repair - we'll never know what happened if you dared.

Cheshire Toy
Cheshire Toy

If you enjoy these dumb robots, you'll probably dig our other projects, like Dumb Cuneiform - a service that takes your tweets and turns them into real cuneiform tablets.

This lab's paws and creepy, creepy eyes are all that was left.

Lab Toy
Lab Toy

This little hamster would sing a song and bop its head up and down.

hamster Toy
hamster Toy

This weird bear isn't a topless nevernude, as it might seem at first. Just a nude-colored sweater?

Topless Polar Toy
Topless Polar Toy

This blue-hatted bear is probably the oldest toy I've disassembled.

Blue Hat Bear
Blue Hat Bear

This chicken - and the next - play the Chicken Dance and fling themselves around with abandon. It's much less cute without the feathers.

Chicken Toy
Chicken Toy

This one flings its head back and forth until it knocks itself over.

Chicken Toy
Chicken Toy

THIS chicken, which I think comes from a disney movie? - has a nice t-rex vibe inside, which chickens ought to.

Chicken Toy
Chicken Toy

This little goat-robot spins its head around and around, so quickly until it falls over.

Goat Toy
Goat Toy

The lab pup rolls, pants, whines, and wheels its way into nightmares.

Hound Dog Toy
Hound Dog Toy

This sad bundle of wires was actually programmable - you could configure it to actually say your child's name in its songs. But who would be so cruel to unleash this on their child?

Scout Dog Toy
Scout Dog Toy

A weird cat; it would purr and meow, and even stretch out to let you rub its belly.

Furry Kitty
Furry Kitty

This deceptive panda looks cuddly, but is full of sensors and circuits.


Somehow, the world will never tire of making weird robots that YIP! YIP! at you.

Black Puppy
Black Puppy

Eeyore! Sad in the cartoon, sad as a robot.

Eeyore Puppy
Eeyore Puppy

The little flapper panels on this robot really did not work out the way I expected.

Duck Duck
Duck Duck

Honestly, I expected more from this moving deer toy. The formlessness of it is still pretty unsettling, though.

Deer toy
Deer Toy

This litle rabbit has a leash. The creepy robot inside hops and waggles its nose.

Bunny Hops
Bunny Hops
Bunny Hops

This litle piggy went to market, this little piggy was a secret terminator.


Look, these Minion things are creepy under the best of circumstances. The stripped version of this robot still... really looks like a minion, which I think is a testament to how uncanny the regular character is.

Minion Toy
Minion Toy

The latest in a long line of robots, disguised as Elmo.

Elmo Naps
Elmo Naps

Is it a wolf pup? Or an amorphous plastic blob?


This terrifying hound dog sings carols, throws its head back, and howwwwwwllls.

Hound Dog Toy
Hound Dog Toy

The chittering squirrel seemed alarmingly anatomical after losing the fur.

Scary squirrel

This bunny robot (from 1986) had a disconcerting amount of fur stuck to its robot parts.

Scary Bunny

This off-brand birthday bear sings an off-brand birthday song, with its sad candle feebly blinking.

Birthday Bear
Birthday Bear

This Elf/Dog hybrid was weird enough before his snake-spine was exposed.

Elf Dog
Elf Dog

The rabbit robot retains only its puny legs.


Chicken-dancing Elmo is mostly machine. A dancing machine, that is. Ahem.

Elmo as Chicken
Elmo as Chicken

The tufts of fur left on the cat is by far the most disturbing part here, far outweighing the missing legs.


The blue creature is just as creepy in the flesh.

Blue guy
Blue guy

The articulated Care-Bear robot is standing by to take your calls.


While the robot hiding vestimentis ursum is indeed impressive, I'm more interested in the actual toy. Pooh is holding a hand puppet of his friend. Is this toy designed to teach theories of recursion? Is Tigger a meta-toy?

Pooh Puppet
Pooh Puppet

If you enjoy these dumb robots, you'll probably dig our other projects, like Dumb Cuneiform - a service that takes your tweets and turns them into real cuneiform tablets.

The extremely complicated robot hidden inside the yellow bear is the most impressive I've found.

Pooh Bot
Pooh Bot

This teletubby (po, perhaps?) is fittingly vacuous on the inside, too.


Peepers here is one of my absolute favorites.


Pulling the cord triggers a lullaby. The tension in the pull cord scrunches the body of the panda, like an invisible garbage compactor. One of the more disturbing toys before unwrapping.

Lullaby Panda
Lullaby Panda

Why, oh why, is this dog in a tuxedo? I have no idea.

Tux Puppy
Tux Puppy

The appendages are spring-loaded: when the handcuffs are released, they fling back and trigger a recorded roar.


The robot hiding inside Ernie had its wires crossed, and would continuously waggle its 'mouth' during photography.


Singing Elmo's hidden robot looks suspiciously like a duck to me.

Elmo Sing

Rock-n-Roll Elmo has left the building. The guitar looks a bit forlorn, I think.

Elmo Rock
Elmo Rock

Not surprisingly, Tickle-me Elmo consists of a squeeze-activated voicebox and small reciprocating motor.

Tickle-Me Elmo
Tickle-Me Elmo

A rare case when the robot inside looks anything like the fluffy exterior.

Domino Dog
Domino Dog

This robot had lead weights taped to the inside of its legs. Perhaps the early prototypes tipped over? Also of note: this is one of the few toys in which the furry exterior is adhered directly onto the skeleton inside.


Not so big anymore, eh Mr. Bird?

Big Bird
Big Bid

When the white structure at the top is depressed, it triggers a mechanism which actuates the white 'legs.' The robot, playing a recorded laugh, knocks iteslf over.


The big purple guy is creepy enough, but the proto-Darth Vader hidden underneath is just astounding.


New batteries didn't help Alphabet Annie; her alphabet game just wouldn't work.


This singing & dancing robot has some serious hip-shaking moves. Oh, and is it just me, or does anyone else see a bit of Dwight Schrute here?


This gloworm's music-box entrails look a bit more disturbing than usual to me.


This little robot puppy's ears look like they could pick up shortwave radio.


Liked that? There are lots more weird projects over here.